
New Year’s resolution: fostering CREATIVITY

With the arrival of a new year, many of us made a list of purposes to fulfill over the next 365 days. This year we are proposing to encourage our creativity… and yours too!

But … What is creativity? According to the Cambridge Dictionary it is defined as the ability to produce original and unusual ideas. And who has this ability? ALL OF US. As we said a few months ago, we are all creative, everyone can create, it’s just a matter of confidence, knowing that, if we want to, we can. So today we leave a list with 8 activities that we should bear in mind this year if we want to enhance our creativity:

  1. First, be curious. Become into a child again, ask the why of things, even if it seems obvious or is a daily routine, try to find out what’s behind that object or situation.
  2. Together with the above mentioned, observe. Pay attention around you, people, animals, nature… you never know where inspiration can come from.
  3. Generates many ideas. The first are usually the most basic, not discard, let you more time to generate new ideas. Then think about them deeper, you’ll see how you get the solutions you’ve never imagined.
  4. Do not shut yourself off. Express yourself and express everything that comes to your mind. When we are in the middle of a creative ideation process, censoring is not allowed: from the most exaggerated ideas can come out the best solutions to a problem.
  5. The best ideas are born working in groups. Surround yourself with different people with different backgrounds and have complementary interests. The disparity of views enriches the creation of ideas.
  6. Always provide and receive feedback. Assessing and evaluating your proposals is a fundamental activity to see if we are on the right track, constructive criticism will do nothing but improve our proposal or idea.
  7. Think outside the box. Watch your project or your idea from another perspective, even dare you to leave the project literally: walk and do another activity. Then take your idea back, you will see it with different eyes.
  8. Do not forget the daily routines. It is essential in the chaos of the creative process. Having routines can help us to dedicate some time a day to be creative and do not lose track.

In we are already implementing them, now it’s your turn 😉

1 Response

  1. Kids like to be active and doing things that require them to have hands on experiences.
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